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Portrait of Gustav Sjölund


Who am I?

Hello, I'm Gustav Sjölund, a 4th year Game Design student at ArtFx, specializing in User Experience, Narrative Design and Project management. My journey into the realm of game development began with a discovery of video game production as an 11 year-old taking extra curricular classes in IT during my studies in London. This early spark of interest was nurtured throughout high school, where my skills in video game production took root and blossomed which would later lead to embarking on my Master's Degree.

Now, as I near the completion of my 4th year in Game Design, I'm on a mission to transform my passion for games into a career. My ambition is to contribute my creative talents and skills to the exciting world of game design, crafting experiences that resonate with players on a profound level.

My academic journey at ArtFx has equipped me with a comprehensive understanding of the intricacies of game development, with a special focus on User Experience (UX) and Narrative Design. I'm constantly refining my abilities, learning new techniques, and embracing the challenges that come with designing engaging and immersive gaming experiences.

This portfolio is a testament to my dedication, showcasing projects that reflect my commitment to the art of game production.




ArtFx - School of Digital Arts

Throughout my studies at ArtFx, I have had the privilege of working on a diverse range of projects through Game Jams, collaborative projects, and small-scale prototypes. I have had the opportunity to apply and refine my skills in real-world scenarios. These projects have not only expanded my horizons but have also equipped me with a practical understanding of game production.

ArtFx has provided me with a holistic education that encompasses both the artistic and technical aspects of game design. My coursework has challenged me to think critically, solve complex problems, and design experiences that captivate players.

As I approach the conclusion of my 4th year, I am excited to embark on the next chapter of my journey in the world of game design. My time at ArtFx has not only honed my skills but has also fueled my passion for crafting immersive gaming experiences. I am eager to translate this passion into a fulfilling career in the game development industry.

On-site Photo


Born and raised in Gothenburg, Sweden

You've just delved into my world of game design, but now let's take a step back and explore what makes me tick beyond the pixels and polygons.


When I'm not crafting gaming experiences, I still like to exercise my creativity elsewhere. From painting and sculpting to diving into 3D art and experimenting with music and videography, I really enjoy exploring the many possibilities of artistic expression. And even though I’m very content creating art from the comfort of my chair, I'm also a firm believer in staying active. Whether it's hitting the gym or hitting the trails for some hiking, biking, or skiing, getting out to move and challenge my physical capacities helps me stay grounded, focused and energised in my day-to-day life. It's also during many of these moments that inspiration often strikes, fueling my creative endeavours which is something I’m always on the lookout for. 

Luckily for me, inspiration is everywhere. Whether it's through music, movies, games, or simply engaging with people from diverse backgrounds, every interaction adds a new layer to the creative process. It's these diverse influences that shape my perspective and fuel my passion for creation.


And let's not forget about one of life's greatest pleasures and something that is needed regardless of which hobby I dive into. It’s food. I love cooking, and I love eating. Exploring different cuisines, flavours and techniques is something I’ve been fascinated by for a very long time and I truly enjoy exercising that passion whenever I’m able to find the time. Ultimately, to fully embrace this part of me, I wish to embark on a global food trip, where I can immerse myself in the culinary delights of various cultures around the world.


This wish also intertwines nicely with my love for adventure and travel. Already as it is, I’ve gathered experience and joy from travelling and immersing myself in different countries (Living in England and France being two of my most prominent experiences), seeing new environments and meeting new cultures. I see it as an opportunity to not only explore new destinations but also to immerse myself in the local culture, traditions, and, of course, cuisine.

Sure, it hasn't always been smooth sailing, moving to new countries, and navigating unfamiliar languages and cultures. It's been a challenge, but one that's shaped me. It's taught me resilience, adaptability, and the importance of embracing change, lessons that I carry with me in both my personal and professional life.


So, there you have it, a glimpse into who I am when I'm not immersed in game development. Thanks for taking the time to get to know me a bit better!

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